I had my yard sale this morning on the military base. Lots of traffic but no one interested in stamps! I had 55 homemade cards ready to buy too. The girl who set up shop beside me bought two sets for her mom and I gave her a card to send along... But I was so bummed. I had 8 girls sign up for my banner club (that starts in 2 hours!) and only 2 are coming.. So I took along next months spooky banner and the frame I made extra, and no one signed up :( not even for events and info... Had catalogs too.. man, people are missing out on this awesomeness!!
Oh well...
Cool news is I had a former demo give me a $60 order! So that was awesome! (She knew I was gonna be there...) she used to hold card classes at the base too and had too many girls bail on her. She had to stop being a demo because I that... Oh, to be a successful demonstrator not knowing if you'll be pending this quarter!
Here's my latest card. I made 6 of them last night to sell.
Too bad you didn't get any card or stamp sales. That is disappointing, but at least you had some signups for your banner class and an order!